Baby Care

11 Useful tips to make your baby comfortable while teething

If you’re like many moms, you’ve wondered what some useful tips to make my baby comfortable while teething might be. Here, are a few easy to follow steps that will help your little one get used to the idea of being teething sooner.

Normally babies start to begin their first teeth around 6 months of age. So it is essential to care for them.

It is also important to make sure that your teething baby feels as much love and care from you as he or she does from their teething toy.

Baby teeth each stage when they usually start to appear

Baby’s bottom front teeth generally start to appear first during the 6-10 months and the upper front teeth usually start at 8-12 months and then followed by the top front teeth.

Sign and symptoms associated with teething

Usually, when babies start getting their teeth, they experience some problems, which is common. However, some babies don’t go through any problems.

The common problems such as

1. Crying

2. Slight fever

3. Drooling

4. Soreness and swelling on gums

5. Not eating well

6. Lack of sleep

7. Always want to bite everything

8. Red cheeks

9. Agitated and irritated

10. Sometimes diarrhoea

There are many different methods to encourage teething in babies.


1. Gentle chewable toy

One of the most popular and effective ways is to make sure that you keep a cup of warm water handy at all times. Provide your baby with a soft chewable toy or something soft to play with for the time that it takes to go through the process of teeth grinding.

2. Teething rings

You can even try using teething rings. They can be very soothing when you hold them close to your baby’s face and they also make for an excellent way to encourage a baby’s mouth to be open while they are teething.

3. Pacifier

Another option to encourage your baby’s mouth to be open while they are teething is to use a pacifier. This is a wonderful option because pacifiers are not only safe but they also will encourage a baby’s mouth to be open while they are teething. Many parents choose to use a pacifier just before going to bed.

This is a very easy option to follow but make sure that you only use one pacifier. If you use two pacifiers at night you risk confusing your baby’s jaw and they may start to chew on their pacifiers before going to bed.

4. Soft rub on the back to make the baby comfortable

If you’re wondering how to reduce the pain that your baby’s teeth are causing while they are teething then there is a very easy solution to this problem. A great tip to make my baby comfortable while teething is to gently rub their back while you’re holding them in your arms.

Do this several times during the day and when you feel that your baby’s teeth are becoming painful it will give you a good indication that they are about to come out. So you can stop the discomfort.

5. Try warm bathing

Another great way to ease the discomfort associated with a teething baby’s teeth is to use a warm saltwater bath with an antibacterial soap. This is good to soothe and heal the sore gums and it also helps in preventing further pain.

It’s important to keep a bottle of warm water nearby at all times to provide your baby with a soothing bath to ensure that the pain doesn’t worsen.

6. Do gentle brushing

Another technique that is simple to follow is to perform gentle brushing of your baby’s teeth twice a day. Although you should not start too soon as it will cause excessive pain.

It is important to get to know the process of brushing and cleaning teeth so that when your baby starts to come out of their teeth it will look as clean as they will when they’re in their mouth.

The best time to start brushing your baby’s teeth is during the first week after they begin to gurgle in their sleep.

7. Baby fussing is common

It’s also a good idea to let your baby see you fussing over them. Give them some visual reinforcement to encourage them to continue to fuss over you and not over anything else.

The more you fuss, the more they will want to fuss. This is a great way to get your baby to fuss as well as to make them feel loved and cherished. And when they do start to the fuss they’ll start to show signs of relief as well!

8. Use toothpaste with fluoride

Try using toothpaste or babies with fluoride because it stops tooth holes or decaying and also make the tooth stronger. Use regular strength fluoride toothpaste for your baby.

9. Use a sipper cup for drinking

When you give your bay to drink something try using a drinking cup or sipper cup to drink. You can start giving your baby a drinking cup around the age of 6 months. It will be easier for you to wean from breastfeeding or milk bottle.

10. Avoid giving a bottle when your baby on the bed

It is important to no to give your baby a milk bottle when going to bed. Especially if it is fruit juice or chocolate drink or milk to prevent tooth decay in babies. It is always a good idea to give your baby a pacifier.

If you see your baby is uncomfortable and crying a lot due to pain you can gently rub their gums with the back of a cold spoon or with your clean finger. You can give your baby teething ring or teething gels to chew.

11. Talk with your doctor

Baby teething usually does not make babies unwell but If you notice Symptoms like your baby seems upset and in a lot of pain bleeding or pus in gums and swelling on face and mouth and fever and loose stool (diarrhoea), you should immediately call your health care provider or paediatrician.

Hopefully, by now you’ve taken some of the guesswork out of what are some tips to make my baby comfortable while teething. Now you can simply follow a few of these tips to ensure that your baby gets the relief that they deserve. So now all you have to do is wait for them to get rid of the pain and enjoy that precious smile!

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I am experienced health professional (B.Sc. Nursing, P.GD Nursing). I am passionate to provide valuable information about  Maternal and child Health. My goal is to provide the right  and trustworthy information about pregnancy and baby care.

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