Categories: Pregnancy

14 Tips to Relieve Morning Sickness during pregnancy

About Morning Sickness

Morning sickness is a normal side effect of pregnancy. This is the initial indicator of pregnancy. It actually does not harm you and your baby’s health unless you keep your diet or fluids down for a long time during pregnancy.

As some people accept that morning sickness linked with a low risk of miscarriage. This usually has more favorable baby developmental outcomes than the women who do not show these symptoms.

Morning sickness can occur for different reasons, including low blood sugar during pregnancy, an increase in the circulating level of the hormone estrogen, an increase in progesterone that relaxes the muscles in the uterus, increase sensitivity to odors, etc.

Reasons for Morning sickness

1. Unknown reason – Although having nausea and throwing up is upsetting but without any harm. The reason for nausea in pregnancy is not well known. while it may be due to the increasing levels of progesterone and estrogens.

2. Increased levels of hormones – hCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin)which is known as the pregnancy hormone, makes you nauseous. It usually occurs in the morning due to an increase in hormone hCG.

 3. Relaxed smooth muscles – While pregnancy the smooth muscles of the stomach became relaxed and slow down its functions. which can make you nauseous. You may feel sick and urge to throw up.  You make more trips to the washroom which means you are confronting morning sickness.

When usually morning sickness occurs

Although morning sickness can strike at any time of the night or day. it occurs more often during the early hours of the morning after you wake up.

Sometimes during the first trimester usually about 5 to 6 weeks of pregnancy.

This condition is pregnancy sickness or nausea and vomiting of pregnancy (NVP).

It affects between 50% and 95% of all pregnant women. Not eating a healthy diet can cause health problems, such as food aversions and upset tummy. 

Just the smell of some foods can make sick. Some women experience just only nausea but others can face frequent and severe vomiting.  You must talk to your GP if it worsened.

There are common symptoms you experience 

1. Tiredness – You feel tired and physically sick this may be due to dehydration caused by vomiting and if you are not taking enough fluids and feeling more thirst

2. Dizziness – Confusion can make your nausea worse

3. Headache – You may experience lightheadedness and fast pulse.

4. Frequent episodes of vomiting – Some women suffer from persistent vomiting more than 3 times a day.

5. Decreased urine output – You void less urine than normal and if you are not replacing the fluid you are loosing via vomiting then the urine color may change into dark color.

6. Fast heartbeat and low blood pressure

7. Weight loss – You may experience a decrease in maternal weight and find yourself hard to gain weight.

Hyperemesis Gravidarum

When vomiting increasing to unusual than normal and cause weight loss, fluid imbalance then the problem is known as Hyperemesis Gravidarum and you need to see the doctor immediately. 

Nearly 10% of pregnant women experience excessive vomiting throughout pregnancy. This is the second biggest cause of hospitalization. The pregnant women are more likely to develop hyperemesis gravidarum than those ladies bearing a male baby but the reason is still unknown. 

The pregnant women can be at risk for hyperemesis Gravidarum are:

A thyroid disorder

Pre-pregnancy mental disorder or any mental problem.

Previous pregnancy with excessive and complicated hyperemesis gravidarum

Multiple pregnancies


Gastric related problems.

In some cases, some pregnant women have conflicting emotions about the future. Such as how your lifestyle will change, body image, and your expectations from motherhood. Take your doctor’s advice if this problem continues. 

When do you need to see your doctor?

Be careful when you are experiencing morning sickness during pregnancy you need to keep in mind a few things and call on your doctor if you experience one of the following symptoms :

1. Pain in the abdomen

2. Any unusual bleeding 

3. Blood in urine and pain when you pee

4. Weight loss

5. Have not urinated more than 6 hours and voiding a dark color urine

5. Severe dehydration

6. Feeling excessively low energy when standing up.

7. Fever or other sicknesses

It’s always wise to call your GP or n your health care provider as soon as you can.

14  little tips can help you to maintain a well-balanced diet and also receive some relief when Morning Sickness starts your day.

1. Eat wisely – Listen to your body to find what food is triggering nausea and avoid it eating. This means, if you eat something that stays down it is safe to add in your diet. Morning sickness is not always caused by food. Identify other sources of discomfort such as noisy places that can make you feel worse.

2. Vitamin B6 – Take a tablet of Vitamin B6, which reduces the symptoms making morning sickness much more manageable.

3. High protein diet -Eat a food high in protein before going to bed to keep steady blood sugar levels.

4. Use Ginger – Many pregnant women have benefited from the use of ginger, in all its forms: cookies, teas, beers, and even the spice alone to prevent nausea. Have a cup of nice ginger tea. Take a few slices of fresh ginger and put it into a cup of boiling water. Add brown sugar to enhance the taste

5. Get fresh air – Clean and fresh air helps if you feel bad in the morning to try going outside for a walk, or just getting 15 to 20 minutes of sitting in your backyard.

6. Try deep breathing Exercises – Taking a deep breath can relieve morning sickness. Go back to bed and sleep to avoid nausea if you can. You should breathe in slowly through your nose and out your mouth. This can also aid in getting rid of nausea and keep you from vomiting.

7. Wear acupressure bands – To relieve morning nausea you can wear acupressure bands with the advice of your health care provider. You can use acupressure bracelets as well since they can curb nausea.

8. Aromatherapy – This is a popular remedy to heal nausea and other conditions during pregnancy. Morning sickness can be alleviated with peppermint scents.

9. Try eating a smaller meal – Food is not well tolerated during the early months of pregnancy so eat 5 or 6 smaller meals per day. Overeating may cause you nausea,  but being hungry can as well. You can separate liquids from solid food if you are not able to eat solid food easily

10. Smell fresh lemons – Lemons used as a natural and popular remedy for nausea. When you feel nausea try smelling fresh lemons while you eat food. You can try lemonade because it contains neutralizing acids and helps in relieving morning sickness.

11. Eat crackers without salt -Try eating dry unsalted crackers for nausea. Cold food is better than hot because it is tolerated better to make you less nauseous and eat dry and bland food

12. Avoid eating an empty stomach – Eat an empty stomach and try to eat frequently at least every two to three hours. Take low fat and non-greasy food and a high protein diet.

13. Follow a well-balanced diet -You can what you feel good to eat like if you craving for spicy or sour you can go for it. It is better than going for a well-balanced diet this time

14. Stay away from Junk Food – Junk foods are okay, especially it is salty or sweet. But try to avoid it in pregnancy. 

Mood changes, Touchiness, sorrow, and mind-set changes are frequently predictable with this problem. Fetal prosperity is an essential worry of all preggers. In numerous examples, you may find that the food you ordinarily like have no intrigue at all during this time. 

Many pregnant women discover that the smell of cooking makes them feeling sick and nauseated. It is always nice if you have a family member cook for you may decrease your feeling of nausea.

Hyperemesis can be stressful, physically, and emotionally for you and your family. The family participation and support can help to relieve some of the emotional stress with this problem.

Although all these tips have helped many pregnant women, nobody knows if they will work for you. However, if you are feeling really bad, your obstetrician may prescribe anti-nausea medications, which are safe for both you and your baby.

More Interesting Stuff you like to Know :

What happens in your body during the three trimesters of pregnancy?

Common problems and emotional changes in early pregnancyA

I am experienced health professional (B.Sc. Nursing, P.GD Nursing). I am passionate to provide valuable information about  Maternal and child Health. My goal is to provide the right  and trustworthy information about pregnancy and baby care.

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