What you need to know about colic in baby- Symptoms and Remedies

Colic Baby

Colic is quite common in newborn babies. If your baby is crying over 3 weeks and more then he/she may have a colic problem.

If your baby is younger than 3 months and cries uncontrollably for more than 3 hours per day and every day exactly at the same time that means your baby is probably suffering from the colic.

At that point, half a month later, baby behaves like ear-breaking howls, total withheld clench hands, thrashing legs, and a troubling red face.

Understanding what exactly colic is?

Crying is normal in babies, as that is how they express discomfort and attract their parent’s attention. But if your baby cries for hours without any reason, he/she may have colic.

It may usually appear 2-3 weeks after birth and disappears before the baby turns 4 months old. Though it is disheartening to watch, colic is not serious and will gradually subside.

Colic is not a sickness or conclusion but a mix of perplexing practices. It is normal, happening in around 1 out of 5 newborn children. These particular periods can continue for quite a long time at once. In some cases late into the night.

Top of this attempt as you may do and attempt you will, it is incredibly hard to calm a colicky infant, which just increases your own anxiety, stress, and fatigue.

Specialists, as a rule, diagnose newborn child colic dependent on the three main symptoms of your infant’s crying:

Crying three hours per day

Happens at least three days every week

Continues for 3 weeks straight

Sign and indications of colic in babies

1. High-pitched cry

How will you know without a doubt if your baby is colicky?  The standards of three, here are a couple of further colic signs and side effects. A colicky baby will give out a loud cry.

2. Cries at the same time

Colic babies may cry around the same time every day. Crying happens simultaneously consistently, especially in the late evening or early night but can differ.  your baby’s Crying appears to happen for unknown reasons. Not because of dirty or wet diapers or if your baby is hungry or sick.

3. Change in Posture

Generally baby arches their back when crying. You may notice that your baby clenches their fist, and curl their legs while crying. This may be very uncomfortable for the newborn.

4. Physical signs

The baby will have a flushed face. He may experience frequent burping and when you touch his tummy a tighter tummy is signs of colic. An infant may grip his clench hands and by and large move his legs and arms more. He likewise regularly will close his eyes or open them wide, frown, even hold his breath quickly.

5. Alter Bowel movement

  The baby may pop very frequently and the baby may pass gas or throw up a few times.

6. Confused eating and sleeping pattern

Your Infant wildly looks for an areola just to dismiss it once sucking has started. Baby naps for a couple of seconds just to wake up shouting.

When does colic start and end?

Fortunately baby colic doesn’t keep going forever. Most sessions start when the child is around 2 to 3 weeks old later in the premature newborn baby.

It starts at around a month and a half and afterward normally begins to diminish 10 to 12 weeks. By 3 months (commonly somewhat later in preterm babies), most colicky newborn children appear to be marvelously cured.

The colic may stop slowly and end steadily, with some great and some bad days. Meanwhile, a little information and a little patience will help you to get through this time.

Colic and Typical Crying difference

There is certifiably not clear that what colic is or how it varies from different sorts of crying. Specialists commonly concur that colic crying is stronger, increasingly extreme, and sharp sounding than typical crying at times practically like shouting. 

Colicky children likewise appear to be miserable and keep an eye on sob for in any event three hours absolute for every day.

Despite the fact that it might just feel like nonstop, a lot to the full parent’s disappointment. Frequently, colicky periods repeat day by day, however, a few infants take an intermittent night off.

What causes colic in an infant?

While the specific reason for colic is a puzzle, specialists do know it’s not the aftereffect of hereditary qualities or anything that occurred during pregnancy or labor.

There is no specific reason for colic but there may be certain triggers that can cause discomfort such as :

Emotional sensitivity

Ingesting gas while feeding 

Mothers diet and lifestyle during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Imbalance of healthy gut bacteria

All things considered, here are a few hypotheses on potential reasons for colicky crying:

1.When baby’s senses are overstimulated

when a large number of new sensations coming at your baby like noises, lights, and extra touches, a few babies become overwhelmed at the end of the day. To reduce that stress, they cry and cry and cry. 

2. The undeveloped or poor digestive system

Baby’s digestive system is not strong enough at this time and takes time to digest food. Thus, food may go through too rapidly and not totally breakdown. It results in gas in the baby’s tummy and causes pain.

3. Acid reflux in newborn

Some studies have discovered that newborn child GERD (gastroesophageal reflux illness) can trigger colic scenes.

Infant GERD is due to an immature lower esophageal sphincter. This is the muscle that keeps stomach acid from flowing back up into the throat and mouth and can cause irritation in the throat.

GERD  baby symptoms can be intermittent throwing up, poor eating, and grumpy during and after feedings. The uplifting news is, most infants grow out of GERD by the age of one. Colic usually disappears long before then.

 4. Food hypersensitivities or allergy in babies

A few specialists accept that colic is the result of sensitivity to cow’s milk proteins or lactose intolerance in formula-fed babies.

Colic might be a response to particular food nourishment in Mother’s eating routine in breastfed babies. In any case, these hypersensitivities can cause tummy discomfort that seems colicky behavior.

5. Exposure to tobacco and smoke

Mothers who smoke during or after pregnancy are bound to have babies with colic. Moreover, smoke is not good at all for babies. In spite of the fact that the connection exists, it is not clear how tobacco smoke may be identified with colic.

The main concern for some, most critical well-being reasons is Don’t smoke or let any other individual smoke around your child.

How to soothe a colicky baby?

Sign and talk with your baby

Babies find their parent’s voice soothing and it helps them cope with the pain. Talk with your baby and make your baby comfortable. This way you can entertain and divert your baby’s attention.

Rocking and swinging

Finds out which position gives maximum comfort to your baby and rock him. Swinging and cradling can help the baby to get some relief from abdominal discomfort.

Comfort with distraction

Take your baby out on a car side or stroller to distract him from the discomfort.

Music or kids songs

Babies like hearing melodies music, nursery rhymes which soothes them. Hold your baby in an upright position. This helps in the digestion process and prevents reflux. 


Sucking soothes babies if your doctor allows then you can also give your baby a pacifier. 

Medical treatment for colic in babies

1. Probiotic

It may have good bacteria that keep your baby’s intestines healthy.  Your baby’s pediatrician may recommend this.

2. Medication

Your doctor may prescribe medicines or gripe water to relieve gas and to ease colic.

3. Change in formula milk

If colic is a result of lactose intolerance or allergy, the doctor may prescribe a non-milk based formula for your baby. you can continue with that but keep an eye on baby’s potty color if it turns green or anything suspicious. Inform your doctor if you notice that.

Home remedies for colic in babies

1. Fennel seeds

 This gives relief from gas and stomachache. Put a teaspoon of fennel seeds in a cup of warm water and feed it two times a day.

2. Warm bath

 It relaxes the body and helps your baby to sleep better. Use warm water when giving a bath and gently stroke his tummy while bathing to relieve gas.

3. Burp your babies

Babies inhale air while feeding, which gets trapped and causes abdominal pain. To avoid this place your baby in an upright position and burp him after every feed.

4. Knee exercise

Knee bending relieves gas problems and colic. Lay your baby down on his back and bend his knees pushing them towards his tummy. Repeat this four to five times.

Comforting Solutions for colicky babies :

These calming techniques may help to relieve the stress until colic passes. Simply try each remedy before you change to another. Do not try one after another. This can make baby upset and increase the crying you’re attempting to stop.

1. Get close to your baby

Not only touch, but also cuddle, and carrying your baby gives the joy of security and physical closeness to you but it might help you with adjusting in better to her needs.

Do you stress that holding your infant a lot of will make her stubborn? Do not worry about it. You can cuddle your baby if holding soothes your baby.

2. Wrapping up

 Take a nice and warm cloth and wrap it cozily around your infant. The mix of warmth and the sentiment of security may help the baby.

3. Make repetitive sound

The murmur of the vacuum cleaner or dryer can be irritating to babies. You can sing baby nursery rhymes or songs so it can divert baby attention.  

4. Play some soothing music

A crying infant may likewise react to the calm singing of a bedtime song or a delicately playing old-style music CD.

 Many newborns like to listen to the sound of nature or the buzz of a fan. Repeating “shh” or “ahh” to your little one can likewise help. 

5. Get moving

Swinging can be best when your baby cries. Holding your little one and keep in motion can help the baby to calm easily. 

6. Try Go outside the house

Take your baby outside. Sometimes, only a change to an open-air area will mysteriously change an infant’s state of mind. Take your infant for a stroll in the buggy or in a sling or bearer.

Use vehicle seats for a drive, but you can go back home if the baby crying increases in the vehicle otherwise, it will distract you from the street. 

7. React Immediately

Crying is an infant’s just method of expressing their needs. But at the same time, it is the only way babies can express. sometimes it works when reacting quickly to your baby cries this will ease crying. 

8. Avoid Extra Energy

It is necessary to limit guests and giving your baby to new people in stimulating situations especially in the late evening and early night. Observe you, baby, if reacts  

Watch how your infant if reacts to specific improvements and avoid any that appear to be harmful.

9. Make a quiet and calm environment

Provide a calm and quiet environment to your baby which makes your baby relax. Put the room lights on low and talk or sing in low tones. Do not talk by any means. Keep other noises and interruptions away from the baby.

 Tips when you notice any gastrointestinal issues in babies:

1. Apply pressure to an infant’s tummy

Some colicky babies feel pain while putting a little pressure on the abdomen. Place your newborn baby face-down on your lap or upstanding with his belly against your shoulder. At that point softly rub or pat his back as you hold your baby. 

2. Have a go at burping your infant

If your baby is suffering from gas and bloating then burping will help to minimize the problem. Ask your doctor for some information about antigas drops. 

Studies show that burping may decrease gas and lower the uneasiness and cry in babies. So talk with your pediatrician about gas drops made with simethicone.

That works by separating gas bubbles and can give relief to your baby. In spite of the fact that research hasn’t yet demonstrated that this treatment absolutely assists with colic.

3. Think about probiotics

Few drops or probiotics may possibly control the crying in some colicky infants, because of this baby gets relief from stomach problems. 

Probiotic microscopic organisms develop normally in the stomach related tract and maintain intestinal health. But still, research continues about it.  Despite that, talk with your pediatrician to check whether you should give it a try. 

4. Watch what you eat

In case if you are breastfeeding, discuss with your primary care physician about whether you should need to make changes in diet or eating habits. You can avoid food which can cause you bloating or gas. 

Some food may cause tummy problems in your baby. Gas-causing vegetables for example Cabbage, cauliflower, acidic citrus natural products.

The baby may have food allergies from dairy, soy, wheat, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, and fish as it may increase the chances of gas in babies. 

5. Get some information about exchanging formulas

For formula-fed babies, you can swap it with some other variety of feeding, because these are specially designed for babies who are allergic or sensitive to cow’s milk. Studies have found that giving hypoallergenic whey-hydrolyzed formula may relieve colic symptoms in certain babies. 

Moreover, avoid casein-hydrolyzed formula or somewhat hydrolyzed formulas but it is not sufficient proof that they work properly. Keep in mind that you ought to never give your child any drug, homegrown, or something else, without conversing with your pediatrician first. 

Also, consistently talk with your primary care physician before rolling out significant improvements in your eating regimen or your baby’s diet.

6. Colic reliever (gripe water) and colic

The colic reliever is made of herbs and sodium bicarbonate in drops. Most of the parents believe in a colic reliever, however, no strong studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of reducing colic side effects. Before giving any home remedies it is always safe to consult with your doctor.

When you need to call the Doctor 

Develops diarrhea or there are traces of blood in the stools.

 Ranging fever from 100 degrees F or more

 Vomit often

Not feeding or gaining weight properly

 May be sick or injured

 Sleepy groggy most of the time

Handling colicky babies can be difficult. Be patient and soothe your baby. Colic will gradually fade when your baby grows older so don’t stress.

Notice the crying and its length, intensity, and the pattern of crying any change in crying and activity. Side effects can help the doctor to figure out any hidden medical problems in babies such as reflux, milk sensitivity, or infection. 

As cleared out as you might be, give yourself a very much-earned gesture of congratulations. You’ve quite recently endured your first significant challenge of parenthood.

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I am experienced health professional (B.Sc. Nursing, P.GD Nursing). I am passionate to provide valuable information about  Maternal and child Health. My goal is to provide the right  and trustworthy information about pregnancy and baby care.

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