A woman can feel various problems during pregnancy. That is because her body undergoes a number of changes to help the fetus develop inside her uterus. These problems are liable to disappear during pregnancy or after birth. In any case, they are rarely serious.
Common Physical Problems in Early Pregnancy
1. Nausea and vomiting
This is better known as morning sickness commonly occur between the sixth and the fourteenth week of pregnancy. Although it may seem from the common name that it only occurs in the morning, it often occurs throughout the day.
2. Urinary problems
Generally, it occurs in the form of the need to pass water more often than normal. There are various reasons for that to happen. There is also an increased risk of urinary infection.
To avoid that, a pregnant woman should drink plenty of fluids and respond to the urge to urinate as promptly as possible.
3. Constipation
Hormonal changes slow down the passage of food through the intestines, and the growing uterus exerts pressure on the rectum. Additionally, if a woman is being treated for anemia, the iron supplements can also have an effect. constipation is a common occurrence during pregnancy.
4. Extreme Fatigue
During pregnancy, you may extremely feel tired. To handle this, you should take frequent naps and go to bed earlier. Extreme fatigue is can also be a symptom of anemia. It may be necessary to consult a doctor in that case.
4. Breast soreness
In fact, it is often one of the signs of the onset of pregnancy. The end of the first trimester usually sees an improvement. Your breast will be sore and heavy during pregnancy.
5. Itchy skin
About one-fifth of the pregnant women feel some kind of skin itchiness. The application of a moisturizer ought to relieve this. However, in a few cases, it turns out to be for a liver problem. Consultation with the doctor is then required.
6. Backaches
Pain in the lower back pregnancy as a result of increasing the size and weight of the uterus. Breasts and also because of the ligaments that attach to the spine and the pelvic bones loosened by hormones.
Warm baths, resting and massage can help you relieve backache. In severe cases, the consultant may prescribe safe painkillers. Talk with your health provider if you experience extreme pain in the lower back.
7. Leg cramps
The reason for the spasm during pregnancy is still unclear. Leg cramps may be relieved by walking, stretching, warm baths, and massage.
8. The swelling of the ankles and toes
This often occurs at a late stage of pregnancy. This can be alleviated by putting the feet up when sitting or wearing waist-high support tights and exercising.
Pins and needles occur especially in the hands, and there may be some accompanying pain and numbness. This is known as carpal tunnel syndrome. Again consultation with the doctor can help.
9. Varicose veins
Enlarged veins, usually happening in the legs when you pregnant. The remedy to relieve varicose vein is you can put feet up while sitting. Do some gentle exercises, and wearing support tights or stockings. This problem often improves after birth. If seems serious you must consult with your doctor.
10. Hemorrhoids
piles may appear or worsen during pregnancy. They may also occur during labor. Again, the condition usually disappears after birth.
What is Stress During Early Pregnancy?
Stress is universal and unavoidable. It is therefore expected that pregnant women will also feel stress. As you should know that stress has harmful effects on pregnancy but the cause is not clear yet. Being pregnant can be emotionally challenging for new mothers.
Anxiety and stress are common factors that arise whether your pregnancy was with planning or not. Your emotions will be mixed about it. sometimes you may be happy, sad, and happy and worried at the same time.
This emotional roller coaster you face due to the progesterone and estrogen hormones which make your mood low to high and vise versa.
Common Fears of moms
Am I going to be a good mom? How will I manage financially? worry about baby care, relationship with your spouse or partner. your body image and your sex life and coping with the giving birth to a baby. These worries are very common among all mothers.
The increased level of stress can cause any ill effects on pregnancy. Miscarriage or preterm delivery are the common side effects of anxiety and stress and harm to the fetus. Most of the women have the stress and emotional changes during the first three months of pregnancy.
In earlier times, some people believe that excessive work can cause pre-term labor and emotional stress. but it did not have any harmful effects. However, now those saying has started to change.
But now some recent information seems to indicate that stress release certain hormones in the body. These hormones can possibly cause miscarriage, and initiate pre-term labor. but this research has not been fully proved yet.
The emotional effects of stress can range from anything like a mild sense of being overwhelmed, to severe bouts of depression. Eventually, that can result in the woman withdrawing, and becoming unable to function.
Pregnant women can do things to reduce the amount of stress and change the way it makes them feel. Several ways have been found that are effective in helping to relieve the stress that they feel, and in getting on with their lives.
Here are some techniques which are divided into two groups.
The first is to readjust your lifestyle to reduce stress levels.
The second is specific actions you can take to change how you feel both physically and emotionally about the stress you are under. Thus you can gain more control over your lifestyle.
1.Adopt a healthy and happy habits
After taking a good look at your lifestyle, put it down on paper. Examine your various activities, responsibilities, and obligations. Then try to work out how much of it is do-able.
Make sure to include the time for yourself for such things as exercise, spare time, and socializing. Try meditation and light exercise if you can and go for a little walk daily. This will divert and relax your mind.
2. Make a Strict routine
Ask yourself these questions very honestly. Can you possibly maintain this schedule? Can you sustain it? Are you satisfied with it? If not, you have to accept that you must change it. Speak to your health care person about it. you can take some counseling sessions if needed.
Reconcile yourself with the fact that even if you can handle it now, it is likely you will not be able to do so as the pregnancy progresses. Prepare yourself to cut down on what you are now doing, and allow more time for rest and relaxation.
3. Take some extra naps
You will need more sleep. You should try having little naps during the day time and have enough sleep at night. This is necessary for your body to relax and refresh.
4. Eat a healthy balanced diet
You will need to set aside more time for meals to ensure that you are able to maintain a balanced diet. Include a high protein diet, fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, and essential pregnancy multivitamins in your diet.
5. little exercise always good
Allow time for a reasonable exercise program. Finally allow some time to yourself, when you plan for the change that is about to come into your life.
6. Take self-control over your self
Prepare yourself to give up some control over your lifestyle. From now on, many things will not be in your control. All you can do is accept that and for more support, you can consult with your Doctor.
7. Family support
Spend time with your partner and family and friends. This will make you feel happier and secure. you can share your concerns and worries with your family and with someone who was pregnant before. Talk with someone for help and speak with your health visitor or doctor.
Moreover, Try Reading books like pregnancy diet pregnancy exercises or baby care and more pregnancy stuff related books. Listen to your favorite music and go for an outing.
During pregnancy, you might be on an emotional roller coaster but do not let your worries control you. Do not be so harsh on yourself. express things which cause you stress. Remember this is common to be worried during this phase but this time is precious fr you. so let your worries go and speak to someone regarding. You need to take care of your mental health and your baby.
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What happens in your body during the three trimesters of pregnancy?
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I am experienced health professional (B.Sc. Nursing, P.GD Nursing). I am passionate to provide valuable information about Maternal and child Health. My goal is to provide the right and trustworthy information about pregnancy and baby care.