
Birth Control Methods – ParaGard and ESSURE Methods

The health care providers and doctors for all the mothers always advise birth control methods after pregnancy. it can have a lot of adverse effects for you and your baby if the interval between your two babies is lesser. 

 Reproductive health, sexual health, and baby’s health is related to planned parenthood. 

After twenty-five days of delivery, your body starts ovulating and there could be chances for you to get pregnant. You need to plan your pregnancy with appropriate measures to avoid pregnancy right after birth.

The Pill method

The pill is the main way of contraception for many women. They trust the pill method.  if you are planning to take the pill again after your baby is born. Most of the women have the same question that when it will be safe to take pills again. 

1. Do not start immediately

For all the new mothers should wait for a minimum duration of 3 weeks after the delivery.  Pills as a contraceptive contain with the estrogens and progestin combination, which are good contraceptive methods.

2.  Form blood clots

Many women ask why they cannot take a pill or have contraception immediately after the birth of the baby. Some studies show that there is a great increase in the formation of thrombosis in the deep veins of the legs, groin, and arms. 

The clots later can travel in the blood circulation which can cause a serious problem called venous thromboembolism (VTE). You can be more susceptible to VTE if take contraceptives in the first twenty-one days after delivery. 

3. Speak to your doctor

There is normally no restrictions apply to the use of contraception after 42 days of delivery. If you have any medical conditions then its important to ask your health care provider if can start or not.

4. Avoid while breastfeeding

If you are breastfeeding mom then you should keep away from the pills. Don’t take any pill as contraception. Pills have a lot of side effects that can affect milk production and can harm the baby. So it’s better for you not to take any contraceptive pills during this time.

There are many other methods like implants, intrauterine devices, or IUD. But if you really want to go for that so before choosing the most appropriate method do consult your health provider regarding the same.

Barrier methods

It is also a safer method or alternatives. These methods are not reversible and don’t affect the hormones.  These methods do not interfere with lactation or breastfeeding and don’t risk the baby’s health. 

Men can use condoms. Condoms do not need any physical examination or fitting and they are the best birth control methods, which protect you from HIV and other sexually transmitted infections or STIs.

Intrauterine Devices IUD – ParaGard

ParaGard is one of the two IUDs or intrauterine devices that has approved by the FDA. It is used to prevent pregnancy. The other one is the Mirena.  According to some researches, ParaGard is  99.2% to 99.4% effective in preventing pregnancy.

The other term used for ParaGard is copper IUD. It is basically a T-shaped device of a plastic frame, which inserts into the woman’s uterus.

How do ParaGard works?

ParaGard works by inhibiting fertilization by stopping the sperm from reaching the egg. It helps in rendering the sperm inactive within the cervical mucus. In case an egg gets fertilized, the ParaGard does not allow the embryo to get implanted within the uterus. 

What could be the side effects?

 1. Pain during Periods

Although the side effects of ParaGardare much less than the hormonal contraceptive pills. Many women using this IUD complain about increased menstrual pain and vaginal bleeding. If you are experiencing similar side effects after insertion of ParaGard, report them to your physician.

2. Pelvic Infections

A more serious side effect of ParaGard is pelvic inflammatory infections, which generally occur within the initial 3 weeks following the insertion of the device.

3. May cause Internal injuries

Some women also report side effects like puncturing of the uterus and automatic expulsion of ParaGard; both these conditions are extremely serious and need to be attended medically without delay.

Benefits of ParaGard

1. Affordable 

It is a Cost-effective so most of the women can afford to try this method. 

2. Reversible Method

Once you get a ParaGard inserted, it will stay functional for as many as 10 years. So, the money you are spending on buying the device is an expenditure you will be requiring to make once every 10 years.

The best thing about this contraceptive method is that it is reversible. When you wish to get pregnant, get it removed. Within a few months, you can conceive successfully and without any side effects.

Temporary Methods of Birth Control

All those methods of birth control, which are not permanent in nature are temporary birth control methods. Practically, all the methods of pregnancy control besides vasectomy and tubectomy are temporary methods.

Temporary methods are more popular than permanent methods. The obvious reason is that permanent methods are highly irreversible. So the couples who are not sure whether or not they want to have more kids in the future can safely go for the temporary methods while still keeping their options open.

 On the other side, it is very unlikely to reverse a permanent surgical birth control measure. Most people prefer temporary methods even after having children, as there is no risk involved. Young people obviously choose temporary methods so that can stop them once they plan to start a family.

The very popular methods of contraception are :

Condoms – barrier method

Birth control pills or Hormonal method

Birth control patches

Intrauterine devices

Birth control injections

Contraceptive ring 

Diaphragm Female 

Emergency pill or Morning pill

But the Condoms are one of the top methods of contraception which has the least impact on women’s fertility. This protects you from sexually transmitted infections. 

You can achieve pregnancy immediately after stopping the use of condoms, unlike birth control pills and patches in which it takes slightly longer for you to conceive after stopping their usage.

Permanent Methods Of Birth Control

Vasectomy for male

Tubectomy for females.

What is Vasectomy?

This is the permanent method of birth control in males. The surgery is basically done to stop the sperms from coming out in the ejaculation. This process is called a vasectomy.

This term actually comes from the vas deferens which is part of the male reproductive system. Its function is to transport sperm into the urethra. It is the tube that carries the sperms and takes outside the body and results in ejaculation.

In this procedure, vasa deferentia of a man are cut and ligated so that no sperms can reach the ejaculate. This is a permanent method of birth control and the reversibility is highly unlikely. If any men want to go for this method, he should talk to his health care provider before making any decision.


The surgical method is to achieve permanent birth control in women is called tubectomy. In this procedure, a part of the fallopian tubes is cut and ligated so that no sperms can reach the ovum.

Simply it is the surgical removal of both fallopian tubes. It is a permanent method of pregnancy control and is irreversible just like vasectomy in males.

In the above two procedures, generally, vasectomy is preferable. As it is easily done and the recovery period is much shorter as compared to tubectomy. Permanent methods of pregnancy control are preferable when a couple is complete with their family planning.

If you are thinking of going for this method of pregnancy control think twice before opting for permanent methods and consult with your health care provider.      

ESSURE  – Permanent Method of Pregnancy Control       

This is a revolutionary gynecological procedure that could be an effective answer to permanent birth control. This is the least invasive method and being conducted with a variety of conditions inclusive of fibroid.

It is a non-reversible and permanent method. If we compare with other permanent contraception options it does not demand any cut to the body.  Moreover, it does not require the usage of RF energy for burning fallopian tubes.

In this procedure, Essure is inserted through the vagina and cervix into the fallopian tubes.

Only the experienced doctor can perform the procedure in a natural way into the body. This includes vaginal, cervical, and uterine region and inside the fallopian tubes. 

The Essure method works in the concert with the body and forming a natural barrier. This stops the sperms to meet with female eggs and prevents conception.

it is wise that you use backup contraception other than IUD for the first 3 months after the procedure. look for any side effects or unusual symptoms. Inform your doctor if necessary. 

Benefits of ESSURE method For you

1. No need for surgery

Essure is a non-surgical permanent birth control method. This works with a women’s body to create an innate shield against conception. Several thousand females and their physicians have been trusting Essure for over half a decade.

In regards to sterilization, the method is conducted employing a unique implant called Essure. This has popularly opted in the united states as well as European Australian areas.

2. Can perform without any cut

ESSURE procedure does not require any incisions. It consists of soft flexible coil implants that are inserted into the fallopian tubes. It is a very good alternative to other surgical methods such as tubectomy.

3. Time-saving

This procedure usually takes 10 minutes and can perform in the clinic or in the doctor’s clinic.

4. No need of Hospitalisation

The good thing is it is an outpatient procedure and does not require hospitalization. The simple procedure can be conducted in the doctor’s office in below ten minutes flat.

Women are able to go home within 45 minutes after the procedure. Most of the women can return to their daily routine after 1-2 days and if you are working you can resume working within 24 hours.

5. Harmless and safe

 ESSURE method of birth control is Uncomplicated. moreover risk-free and least invasive procedure. it does not need any operative slits and burning.  You no need to worry about anymore for unanticipated and complicated pregnancies.

6. Non-hormonal method

This permanent method is ideal for women who have no further intension of bearing children. This method is free from any use of hormones insertion directly into your body. 

Risks of Essure method can be

Mild to moderate pain immediately after the procedure

Vaginal bleeding

Nausea vomiting

Cramping and back pain

Pelvic discomfort

Light headache

Long-term risks of Essure Method

Allergy or hypersensitivity

Abdominal pain

Back or pelvic pain

The tear of the fallopian tubes or uterus

Weight changes

Hair loss


Mood change, depression

Essure unexpectedly moved to the pelvic cavity or abdominal cavity

Pregnancy risk or accidental pregnancy can occur

What you need to take care of after the Essure Method

Subsequent to 3 months, women are required to undergo an Essure confirmation test verifying weather one has been screened from the concerns of unplanned conceptions.

The testing involves usage of the dye and specialized form of X-ray for ensuring inserts are properly positioned. Making sure that the complete blockage of fallopian tubes has been made.

 It is very important for women to understand and to know that before going for this procedure should consult with your health care provider. Your concerns and willingness for the procedure are crucial.

Moreover, go for your STD testing and general women’s health examination from time to time. 


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Birth control methods after the childbirth

I am experienced health professional (B.Sc. Nursing, P.GD Nursing). I am passionate to provide valuable information about  Maternal and child Health. My goal is to provide the right  and trustworthy information about pregnancy and baby care.

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