
Safe Pregnancy Exercises tips for Pregnant Women

When it comes to what are the exercises during pregnancy you need to know that some of them can be dangerous and you want to avoid them. One of the most common mistakes that pregnant women make is, that they do not exercise enough. Some women even feel that doing exercise during pregnancy is something that is not a good idea.

The most important thing that you can do when it comes to exercise is to get a routine that will fit into your life. It will allow you to get a variety of benefits. This means that you need to have a variety of different exercises that you can do.

Exercise during pregnancy first trimester


1. Starting with Warm-up

You want to have cardio exercises done as well as strength training. 30 minutes cardio is good for you to have a nice start to exercise. When it comes to doing strength training, there are a few different options that you have. One of these is that you can join a gym or you can do some homemade strength training.

2. Workout

Another option that you have for doing certain exercises during pregnancy is that you can do some things in your own home. There are many books and videos, which you can find on the internet, that can show you the different workouts, you can do during pregnancy.

The basic workout such as side plank, 10-20 glute bridges, barbell squats, 10 kegals, and dumbbell curls are kind of good workout during the first three months of pregnancy. Moreover, 5 minutes of walking is great or at least 2 minutes jogging in the morning or evening.

3. Cool down yourself

After the warm-up and doing some planks exercises it is important to cool down your body. You can do yoga and some light stretching. If you choose to go with a home workout you need to know that you can still exercise during pregnancy. Some of these options that you have will require a lot of equipment but that does not mean that they are not safe.

4. Pilates

This exercise is great for pregnant women to do in the first trimester or beyond. (Depends on your pregnancy trimester). These pregnancy exercises benefit you in various ways. Firstly this will help you to get rid of back pain. Moreover, this also helps to strengthen your core muscles and helps you to sleep well. Pilates exercises are also good for maintaining your perfect posture while you are pregnant. You should ask your doctor or a trainer who can help you with the exercises.

5. Relaxation exercises

Yoga, meditation, and calm and smooth music can be relaxing for you to do. Try those as well for good sleep and a healthy body.

6. Swimming

The best exercise you can do is swimming when you are in your first trimester of pregnancy. Swimming is a good way to tone and stretch your core muscles and also strengthen them. Swimming also keeps you healthy by supporting the digestive system and cardiovascular system and has many benefits. If you do swimming and like swimming try it.

7. Walking daily

Regular walk for at least 20 to 30 minutes is good during pregnancy. You can choose a morning or evening walk or according to your comfort level.

8. Other physical activities during leisure time

Cycling, team support, weight lifting, aerobics, and floor exercises are good during the first trimester of pregnancy. There is different equipment available so that you can use to get the workout for which you are looking for. Some of these options that are available to you include things like treadmills, bicycle exercise bikes, stair steppers, rowing machines, etc.

There are some other options that you can try as well that can provide you with a great workout while you are pregnant.

Make sure you have a guide or your pregnancy fitness guide opinion before initiating any workout. Your doctor’s approval is a must for exercise during pregnancy.

Exercises during the Second trimester of pregnancy


1. Eliminate supine or lie down on back exercises

While you are in your second trimester you can skip those exercises, which includes lying on your back and stomach. It is wise to listen to your body and the needs of your body before starting exercising. You can do what you feel comfortable with.

Exercises quite similar during the second trimester. But you should talk with your doctor or trainer before starting any workout. Safety is very crucial during this stage of pregnancy. Your doctor’s Confirmation is necessary for any exercise during pregnancy.

2. Set yourself comfortable

It is not like comparing yourself if other pregnant women can do so I can do as well. First, make yourself comfortable and do what your body needs.

3. Stretching

If you are worried about the Second trimester and stretching, you can speak with your health care provider or doctor regarding it. If you doing stretching in the first trimester, then you can do stretches more often as per your doctor’s approval.

Keep in mind, avoid overstretching, and do not push your body too hard into stretches during this period. Use a lighter weight and fewer sets of exercises. Take longer rest and more breaks during exercising and minimize sets.

4. Check the response of your body

During the second trimester, you need to monitor your body how it is reacting when you workout. During this time you should avoid some particular activities and sports like skating, hiking, bowling, basketball, soccer, and tennis.

5. Do practice correct posture

Make sure what exercise you do not harm your body or the health of the baby. Make a habit of appropriate posture. You can take prenatal exercise classes and can practice core work. You should stop workout including direct abs exercise such as sit-ups, pushing, or excretion or crunches.

6. Do Pilates

Pilate is safe to do during every trimester of pregnancy. The activities and exercise, which are good in the second trimester, is Pilates, relaxing exercising, yoga, water aerobics, and swimming and walking. Pilates is focused on back muscles, Lower abdominal muscle, and pelvic floor muscles. These are good for balance, good posture, and strength. Moreover, all the Pilates exercises are not recommended. Ask your trainer which one you can do according to your trimester and pregnancy stage.

These are safe to do but if you are planning for Pilates exercises during pregnancy look for an experienced guide or trainer. You should better perform under guidance for a safe and healthy pregnancy.

7. Give spare time for relaxation activities

Avoid doing any yoga with an inverted pose as if that includes bending or lying on your back or stomach, do not do it. Always do simple and easy and only recommended yoga by your doctor or yoga trainer.

8. No jumping

Jumping is not recommended during this time. Moreover, stay away from anything, which includes all of the sudden moves or turning during yoga and exercises.

Do not follow those things, which you think you not ready for. You should not overstretch or overexert your body for exercises. Always ask your doctor or yoga instructor before starting.

Common mistakes pregnant women do while exercising


1. When doing cardio

One of the common mistakes that some women make is that they just do cardio during pregnancy and this is a huge mistake. Cardio is not going to help you get the exercise that you need to get in shape during pregnancy.

Cardio is only going to help you burn off calories and it is not going to help you strengthen your body. When it comes to exercises during pregnancy, you need to make sure that you include both strength training and cardio in your routine. Doing this will help you build muscle as well as it will help you lose weight. It is always wise to ask your guide or trainer before doing it.

2. Not taking enough diet

Another mistake that many women make is that they do not eat enough at the beginning of the pregnancy.

Now, this is a mistake that can be avoided if you keep up a proper diet at all times. If you are exercising and not taking your diet properly can affect the growing baby and you.

You need to keep track of the foods that you are eating during this time. If you start eating junk food then you are going to have a hard time losing weight during pregnancy.

On the other hand, if you eat healthy food then you will not have a hard time building up the muscles that you need to have during pregnancy. You can talk with your pregnancy-exercising guide about diet and workout.

3. Skipping on nutritious food

The most important thing is to know what you need to eat to get the right amount of nutrition during pregnancy. This includes getting plenty of protein, carbohydrates, and fat in your diet. It is very crucial for a healthy pregnancy.

4. Not drinking enough water

You also need to make sure that you are drinking enough water so that you can stay hydrated throughout the day. Keep in mind that you should drink about 8 glasses of water a day for each person during pregnancy.

Most pregnant ladies worried if they drink plenty of water so they have to make more trips to the bathroom. So, frequent urination is the common symptom in pregnancy due to the consistent pressure of the growing uterus on the bladder. Keeping yourself well hydrated is very essential when you are pregnant to prevent many problems during this time.

5. Taking stress

This is very crucial to avoid stress during this time. If you are pregnant for the first time that is obvious to get anxious worried and stressed. But still, stress is not good for any pregnant woman. Talk to your health care provider if anxiety is troubling you. Take a good healthy diet spend time with your family. Ventilate your concerns and feelings with your doctor and family.

Keeping yourself active and healthy is essential during every trimester of pregnancy. This is all we need for all the beautiful pregnant moms. Take precautions as much as you can. Consult with your doctor and an experienced pregnancy workout trainer. Take advice if exercise in pregnancy is appropriate and safe to do.

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I am experienced health professional (B.Sc. Nursing, P.GD Nursing). I am passionate to provide valuable information about  Maternal and child Health. My goal is to provide the right  and trustworthy information about pregnancy and baby care.

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