
Physical Changes During Every Trimester of Pregnancy

First Trimester of Pregnancy

The first trimester is the most crucial time in your pregnancy. For some ladies, the first trimester is likewise the period when you experience the most significant changes. Despite the fact that you may not seem pregnant, you will absolutely feel all the changes. 

Running from week 1 to week 12 your body is undergoing many changes during the first trimester of pregnancy. First three months in which your body will adjust to the developing baby. This may cause common discomforts such as nausea, morning sickness, fatigue, mood swings, stress, and backaches.

Concerns of first-time moms

If this is your first baby, there are many question and concerns comes in your mind. That can be regarding the post-delivery body image, breastfeeding, financial adjustments, and baby care at home.  Many of the early pregnancy discomforts will go away as your pregnancy slowly advances.

As each woman is different, so is every single pregnancy. Many women do not suffer from discomfort during this stage. Those expecting a second baby may feel different this time. However, all women share the same needs which change to their everyday routine. 

Common symptoms in 1st Trimester

1.Morning sickness

Early morning nausea is more often and one of the first symptoms occurring during the first trimester. Nausea and Vomiting are not limited to the morning and can occur at any time of the night or day. It gradually disappearing by the second trimester.

2. Frequent urination

This is very common during pregnancy, because of your growing uterus and puts pressure on your bladder. However, If you notice pain, pus, blood in your urine or a burning sensation call your health care practitioner immediately.  Make sure you do not have a urinary tract infection that might need treatment.

3. Tiredness

Feeling tired all the time even you sleep well, is another sign of the first trimester of pregnancy. Tiredness makes pregnant women feel exhausted all the time. It is having to develop a new life, and you need to get more rest every day.

4. constipation

Try to prevent constipation and eating fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals, and drinking plenty of water. Avoiding caffeine that makes your body lose fluids can cause constipation.

During the first trimester dizziness, will make you feel lightheaded, and even fainting could occur at any stage of your pregnancy.

5. Leg cramps

cramps in the lower legs caused by changes in the way your body processes calcium.  Add enough of mineral consuming low fat or non-fat milk, calcium-rich foods, or mineral supplements prescribed by your physician.

At the end of the 12th week, the developing baby is about 3 inches long, weighing about half an ounce. The baby’s eyes move closer together and into their positions, as well as the ears. The little kidneys begin secreting urine into the bladder and the baby’s liver is making bile.

You will not be able to feel how your baby moving yet by the end of the first trimester. Because it is only moving inside you as a response to pushing on your abdomen, but the miracle of life will continue throughout the next trimesters. 

Second Trimester of Pregnancy

Physical and emotional changes are different during the second trimester. This is When you will start to feel less tired, less anxious, and experience a sensation of overall well being. The idea to begin wearing maternity clothing can inspire many pregnant women.

Symptoms 2nd Trimester

1. Weight Gain

Your pregnancy will become more noticeable every day with a steady weight gain if you are eating a healthy diet. Avoid eating “for two” resulting in 35 to 40 pounds of extra weight or eating too little, generating less than 15 to 25 pounds of weight gain during your entire pregnancy.

Your obstetrician or health care practitioner will help you to determine the range of healthy weight gain you need. Eagerly awaiting fetal movement, this can be felt between 18 and 22 weeks. The fourth month, although some mothers-to-be do not feel the baby until the fifth month of pregnancy.

2. Quickening

By this time, the movement is unclear, feeling like fluttering. Your baby moves in the so-called quickening movements. The baby can now hear your voice, despite the baby is only around 7 inches long, weighing approximately 5 ounces.

3. Increased Craving

When you are beginning the second trimester of pregnancy, you may be hungrier and crave certain foods. Remember, eating for two does not mean eating twice the servings of every food you find. The fifth month makes you look radiant and less fatigued, but the risk of constipation remains. Keep drinking plenty of water and both constipation and morning sickness will be under control.

4. Baby starts to move

The fifth month is also the right time to have an ultrasound if you desire because your baby is now awake. It is possible to see the hands moving to the mouth or the baby’s mouth open. By the end of the fifth month, the baby is approximately ten inches long and weighing a pound.

5. Can guess the gender of the baby

Although the radiologist will be able to tell you the gender of your baby by means of an ultrasound scan, many parents-to-be prefer to wait until childbirth to discover the sex of their new baby. The second trimester goes from week 13 to 26, and it is the 20th week when you can hear the baby’s heartbeat.

As the sixth month approaches, make sure that you are listening to your body and avoid hyperactivity. Despite your progress making you slow down but you are also motivated to try to do too much. Remember activity is good for your health, but you still have to get plenty of rest.

6. Pain in the lower back and legs

Low back pain is the most common symptom at the end of the second trimester of pregnancy, when the baby is also more active, rolling and turning upside down and back again, and sucking his/her thumb. By this time, your baby is approximately 12 inches long, weighing near a pound and a half.

Third Trimester of Pregnancy

Through your seventh month of pregnancy, you may experience some cramps in your feet or legs more often due to a lack of calcium. Make sure you are taking prenatal vitamins and mineral supplements on a regular basis. Ask your obstetricians for any recommendation or change in the dosage.

1.Braxton Hicks contractions 

Swelling in your hands and feet may occur during the third trimester of pregnancy, along with Braxton Hicks contractions throughout the weeks of 27 to 42 as the main symptom of this stage.

These contractions are also known as “false labor” or “practice contractions” occurring almost at the same time that your baby begins to kick.

Braxton Hicks contractions tighten the uterine muscles for up to one minute. Most health care practitioners and researchers believe that Braxton Hicks’ aid the body in its preparation for birth, although not all pregnant women experience these contractions that can start as early as week 20. 

2. Increased stress level

When the time of labor and delivery is approaching, you will feel uncomfortable and somewhat stressed. Around the eight-month of your pregnancy. At this time, you will feel you are ready to give birth, but new mothers-to-be can experience fears regarding the labor and their due date.

3. Gastric discomfort

In addition, indigestion and heartburn become apparent, while you may feel short of breath more frequently. Tiredness characteristic of the first trimester will return as the ninth month is approaching. Problems with sleep also begin due to not being able to find a comfortable position, but placing a pillow between your knees and sleeping on your left side can improve this condition.

4. Less sleep

While you sleep, your baby may be kicking, which can interrupt your sleep as well, because most babies feel more comfortable sleeping on one side over the other, so change your position as the baby wants.

5. More weight gain

During the eight-month, the baby is about 16 inches long and weighs approximately four pounds, having good chances for survival if born prematurely.


Once you enter in the last weeks of your pregnancy, you may feel a clear surge of energy just a few days before you begin labor. Yes, you will finally arrive in the ninth month and your baby is approximately 19 to 21 inches long, gaining a total of around two pounds near your due date.

Your breathing becomes easier, and the mucus plug is going to expel this month, the sign meaning that labor is imminent. While your baby’s head drops into your pelvic area, making you need to urinate more frequently. With this panorama, your labor is around the corner, taking from a few hours to some days, or as long as around 2 weeks away… Congratulations! 

More Interesting Stuff you like to Know :

Common problems and emotional changes in early pregnancy

Are you pregnant and craving for special food or experiencing food aversions?

What you need to know about pregnancy and it’s Symptoms?

I am experienced health professional (B.Sc. Nursing, P.GD Nursing). I am passionate to provide valuable information about  Maternal and child Health. My goal is to provide the right  and trustworthy information about pregnancy and baby care.

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